Daily Archives: August 3, 2024

2024-08-03: News Headlines

WSWS (2024-08-03). VIDEO: SEP (Australia) national secretary calls for workers and youth to put a socialist anti-war party on the ballot. wsws.org In this video, Cheryl Crisp urges viewers to support the Socialist Equality Party's campaign to provide the working class with a political voice, in opposition to the pro-genocide, pro-war Labor government and political establishment.

Juan Garay, Elham Kateeb, Diana Zeballos, Luis Eugenio Souza, Steering Committee of the Sustainable Health Equity Movement (2024-08-03). Correspondence] Inequity in sustainable health today. thelancet.com The COVID-19 pandemic starkly highlighted health inequities disproportionately affecting socioeconomically vulnerable communities worldwide. Disadvantaged populations faced higher infection and mortality risks than advantaged populations, compounded by systemic inequities that treat health as a commodity. Overwhelmed health-care systems in high-income countries foreshadowed dire challenges for low-income and middle-income nations. Wealthier nations' stockpiling and profiteering led to an open letter to the UN, supported by over 120 entities representing five million public health professionals and advocates for t…

Pacific Media Watch (2024-08-03). Gaza killings and the death of Western journalism — why the shocking silence? asiapacificreport.nz COMMENTARY: By Mohamad Elmasry On Wednesday, the Israeli army killed two more Palestinian journalists in Gaza. Ismail al-Ghoul and Rami al-Rifi were working when they were struck by Israeli forces in Gaza City. Al-Ghoul, whose Al Jazeera reports were popular among Arab audiences, was wearing a press vest at the time he was killed. READ…

Editor (2024-08-03). The Hunger Strike to End Solitary Confinement in California. scheerpost.com

Ayurella Horn-Muller (2024-08-03). 1 in 11 People Went Hungry in 2023. The Climate Crisis Is Partially to Blame. truthout.org One in 11 people worldwide went hungry last year, while one in three struggled to afford a healthy diet. These numbers underscore the fact that governments not only have little shot at achieving a goal, set in 2015, of eradicating hunger, but progress toward expanding food access is backsliding. The data, included in a United Nations report released Wednesday… |

Paula Lehman-Ewing (2024-08-03). Journalists Must Report on Prisons — But We Need to Protect Incarcerated Sources. truthout.org I first encountered Ivan Kilgore in the spring of 2020. He was fighting a prison transfer, and the organization I was working for at the time, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children (LSPC), was assisting in his legal case. As a content strategist, I put out a call for members of the organization's grassroots branch, All of Us or None, to write letters to the warden and governor demanding… |

CADTM (2024-08-03). Join us on 4, 5 and 6 October 2024 for our next Autumn Meetings! cadtm.org The Autumn Meetings of CADTM Europe will occur on October 4, 5 and 6 October 2024. As of 2023, the venue will be the Simenon Youth Hostelin Liège, Belgium.
| The 2024 edition will use different formats: debates, workshops, interactive activities, and book presentations. It will focus on several issues: the rise of the Far Right, the debt crisis in the South, China and the BRICS as creditors. It will also consider the ecological debt and food sovereignty.
| Food sovereignty, which is the issue (…) | – |

ecns.cn (2024-08-03). China, U.S. enhance cooperation on global drug issue. ecns.cn China and the United States agreed to enhance cooperation to tackle the global drug issue during the first senior officials' meeting of their Counternarcotics Working Group.

bwitanek (2024-08-03). SOMA Vigil — Continues at Maplewood Town Hall, Aug 4 and Each Sunday After, 3-4:30 pm. fightbackbetter.com @soma_for_palestine / SOMA Collective for Palestine has been working in earnest to support an cease fire and an end to…

ICRC (2024-08-03). Working together to address Africa's health challenges and to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). icrc.org —ICRC holds session at the Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia…

Diana C (2024-08-03). Homelessness is Increasing. indybay.org Homeless is increasing in California and throughout the United States especially after Pandemic protections have been stopped. Vulnerable populations will suffer more as a result of evictions, the recent Supreme Court ruling in Oregon which makes sleeping outside a crime. Venture capitalists such as Palantir and GOP lawmakers have been exploiting the opportunity to streamline AI that further increases harm.

Michael Webster (2024-08-03). The Looming Financial Crisis: An Urgent Warning. indybay.org The U.S. financial landscape is characterized by a complex interplay of economic indicators, market dynamics, and geopolitical factors. Recent trends suggest heightened vulnerabilities in various sectors, including housing, debt markets, and international trade…

Labor Video Project (2024-08-03). Arrest Billionaires Not The Homeless! Rally At SF City Hall To Protest Attack On Homeless. indybay.org

Michael Webster (2024-08-03). The Looming Financial Crisis: An Urgent Warning. indybay.org The U.S. financial landscape is characterized by a complex interplay of economic indicators, market dynamics, and geopolitical factors. Recent trends suggest heightened vulnerabilities in various sectors, including housing, debt markets, and international trade…

SAM (2024-08-03). The Coming Tax-the-Rich Rumble in Rio. inequality.org

WSWS (2024-08-03). Organise action committees to fight privatisation of Telecom, Insurance and Electricity corporations! wsws.org We cannot defend our jobs, wages and working conditions and improve them under these unions. We have no time to waste in organising a united struggle against the government's IMF austerity.

WSWS (2024-08-03). The way forward for Walmart Chile workers after union federation sells out mass strike. wsws.org The accumulation of obscene wealth by Walmart and the Walton family is a direct product of the super-exploitation of an underpaid workforce, which has been reduced from 2.3 million in 2020 to 2.1 million in 2024.

WSWS (2024-08-03). Way forward for Walmart Chile workers after union federation sells out mass strike. wsws.org The accumulation of obscene wealth by Walmart and the Walton family is a direct product of the super-exploitation of an underpaid workforce, which has been reduced from 2.3 million in 2020 to 2.1 million in 2024.

Urban CNY News (2024-08-03). New York State Announces $17.2 Million To Strengthen Social Services that help Vulnerable Families Achieve Financial Stability. urbancny.com Governor's Family-Centered Services Initiative Supports Local Departments That Serve Hundreds of Thousands of Low-Income Families Across New York Initiative First Announced as Part of Governor's 2024 State of the State Governor Kathy Hochul on August 2nd, announced $17.2 million in awards through the Family-Centered Services initiative to strengthen social services that help vulnerable families achieve financial stability. This funding will help local social services departments throughout New York to hire more staff as they continue serving hundreds of thousands of low-income families statewide. "We're strengthe…

newleftreview (2024-08-03). Rebecca Lossin: The Multiple Gaze. newleftreview.org Resisting the erasure of working-class life in the American rust belt, the critical photography of LaToya Ruby Frazier combines intimate portraiture with representations of capital's flight. Rebecca Lossin reflects on MoMA's recent retrospective of her work—and on the cultural politics of documentary image-making in an age saturated with the visual.

The Independent (2024-08-03). Deputy Secretary to the Treasury: Loan repayments are chocking Uganda. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda has joined the international chorus urging for the reform of international financial architecture. The Deputy Secretary to the Treasury, Patrick Ocailap says reforming the international financial architecture is imperative to give developing countries like Uganda a fair chance to turn its immense potential into opportunities to overcome future challenges. …

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